Discussion Groups
Our discussions will help us explore in greater depth how Christians know and worship God. Its six sessions reveal the reasons why the Eucharist (referred to as Holy Communion) is celebrated as a memorial of Christ’s saving passion and stands at the very heart of Christian worship. Depending on your diary, you can attend one or all of them.
The discussion groups start on Tuesday, 11th March 2025.
We will host the evening discussion at Church House, Church Walk, Bletchingley (behind Village Store): we will meet between 7-9 pm on a Tuesday.
Discussion 1: 11th March: Fr. Paul leads us in considering, “Our Ancestors ate manner in the wilderness.”
Discussion 2: 18th March: John leads us in considering, “This is my body broken for you.”
Discussion 3: 25th March: Fr. Paul leads us in considering, “He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” (6:30 Service of Annunciation in St Mary's)
Discussion 4: 01st April: Fr. Paul leads us in considering, “If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and eat with you.”
Discussion 5: 08th April: John leads us in considering, “Do this in remembrance of me.”
Discussion 6: 15th April: Fr. Paul leads us in considering, “I am the bread of life.”
To Sign up email: father-paul.bletchingley-nutfield@outlook.com
We suggest a donation of £15 to attend the discussion. We will provide you with a discussion booklet and any donations left over after the cost of the booklet, which we will give to the Bishop of Southwark’s Lent Call. You can read more about the Lent Call here: https://southwark.anglican.org/news-events/events/lent-call/