Safeguarding in the Parish
'A Safe Church'
The diocesan guide to safeguarding
policies and procedures:
New guidance for those working with young people
A recent audit has highlighted the need to clarify procedures that should be followed, if someone wishes to raise an allegation or concern, with regard to abuse or inappropriate behaviour. The procedures are clearly laid out in ‘A Safe Church’ which is a manual produced by the Diocese, containing policies and procedures which are formally reviewed and adopted by the PCC each year. If you wish to read this manual at any time, please ask one of the Parish Safeguarding Officers (PSO) or a member of the clergy, as a copy is accessible in church. Contact details for your PSO’s and Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) are now included in the contacts page.
With regard to an allegation of abuse disclosed or signs of abuse observed of a child or vulnerable adult, you should keep a record of the conversation and observation carefully, and then inform the Rector or PSO within the next 24 hours. They will in turn inform and seek advice from the DSA. In the case of an emergency situation, you should call emergency services if the child/vulnerable adult need medical help, in addition to informing as above. If the child/vulnerable adult cannot return home, contact Social Care or the police.
An allegation of abuse by a church officer, (which includes clergy, readers, SPA’s, churchwardens, servers, organists, those, paid and unpaid, who hold positions of responsibility and work with children) should be reported to the DSA immediately. They will in turn inform the diocesan Bishop and the Archdeacon.
Any complaints or grievances not relating to children or vulnerable adults should be raised and resolved at parish level, with problems being brought directly to the person(s) deemed responsible for that area. Complaints and grievances against clergy or licensed or commissioned ministers should be addressed to the Archdeacon.
This article is designed to give you more confidence and knowledge about how allegations and concerns would be managed, not to worry you. Please discuss with your PSO’s or the clergy if you have any queries about any of the details above.
Safeguarding Officer
Lindi Smith-Cox 07828 296311
Serena Fowler 07828 296311
Who will you talk to if you observe or are told about child or adult protection concerns?
Is the child or adult safe? If in immediate danger, take emergency steps e.g. ambulance, police or children’s or adult’s services.
Most situations are not emergencies – seek advice before action: contact the parish safeguarding officers, who will contact the Diocesan safeguarding team.
Police Safer Neighbourhood Team:
Emergency – always dial 999 (textphone 1800)
Non-emergency - dial 101 (textphone 18001 101)
Diocesan Safeguarding Team:
Safeguarding referrals / general enquiries: / Telephone: 0207 939 9441 (Mon to Fri 9am – 5pm)
For urgent out of hours advice: (Mon to Frid, after 5pm / weekends and bank holidays) please contact 020 3874 6743.
Emergencies: If you suspect you or someone is at risk of immediate harm, phone 999.
NSPCC NSPCC Child Protection Helpline 0808 800 5000 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are worried about a child.
Childline 0800 1111 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are a child or young person and are worried about anything.
Action on Elder Abuse 0808 808 8141 (lines free and open Monday to Friday 9-5pm)
Age Concern Free phone information line 0800 00 99 66
National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are experiencing domestic abuse.