The Church of St Peter and St Paul




Altar1st Sunday of the month at 11:00 AM
A traditional Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Holy Communion service with anthems and responses sung by the Morning Choir, sung to Merbecke's music. The choir sings Gradual and Communion motets and a choral setting of either Sanctus or Agnus. 


2nd and 4th Sundays at 11:00 AM (Family Matins on 3rd Sunday)
A traditional Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Matins service. The choir sings an anthem and a setting of one of the canticles.


Our Family Matins is held at 11am on the 3rd Sunday of the month. A short service aimed at our families, which is also an opportunity to meet others in the area.

Our Saturday Connections is a children's service which is held outdoors (if weather allows) on the first Saturday of the month at 4pm. Please see our Facebook site for more details. Click here

is sung every Sunday in the choir term at 6:30 PM
A traditional choral evensong with cathedral quality music. All are welcome to come for some or all of the service.
There is no Evensong during choir holidays. 

Music for services can be found here


Congratulations on your engagement and thank you for considering holding your marriage ceremony with us.

The CofE's weddings website also has a 'walk through the wedding service' and all sorts of other advice about music, readings, legal requirements and guide to whether you are eligible to get married in the parish.


Also known as a Baptism, a Christening marks the beginning of a journey with God which continues for the rest of our lives, the first step in response to God's love. For all involved, particularly the candidates but also parents and godparents it s a joyful moment when we rejoice in what God has done for us in Christ. 

If you are looking at the website with a view to enquiring about a Wedding, Christening, Funeral or other Pastoral Matter please contact Elaine Chalcraft, Parish Administrator on 01883 818324 or