Lunches at St Peter and St Paul
Do you know that on the first Saturday of every month (except January) we have a lunch at church? We provide delicious home made soup, bread, cheese, salad and a selection of cold treats like ham, little sausages and pork pies, to mention but a few. These lunches provide a good opportunity to get to know each other better - there is always much chatter and laughter!
If you would like to come along please advise either Gilly (07919 468208) or Charmaine (01737 823360) by the Thursday before as this helps us to plan the catering.
If you need a lift please contact Charmaine. Hope you’ll join us!
When: The first Saturday of the month
Where: In the church
Time: Between 12.30 - 2pm
We are fortunate to possess a ring of six bells, some of them dating back to 1662. The bells are regularly rung for Sunday worship and on important Parish or state occasions.
Practice night is Tuesday night!
Tower Captain: Vicky
Click here for more information
The Living Churchyard
Part of our Churchyard is managed as a wildlife conservation area. Some parts being left unmown until the plants have seeded and to provide food and shelter for insects and birds.
A working party meets on the first Saturday of the month at 10.00am and volunteers (skilled or unskilled) would be very welcome.
Contact: Charmaine
Click here for more information
Flower Arranging
We are very fortunate that over the years we have enjoyed a very high standard of floral arrangement for Sundays and main festivals, and are most grateful to the ladies who arrange the flowers.
We need many more volunteers!
Contact: Gilly
Click here for more information
Fund Raising
Through our link to St Cuthbert’s Cathedral, Gweru, Zimbabwe, we support a group of AIDS orphans under the auspices of Cuthaids. This is a project set up specifically to care for children who have lost their parents to AIDS. Many of the children are themselves victims. The funds we raise provide food, clothes, school fees and medicines (excluding the anti-viral drugs for HIV). Most of the children are looked after by family members, but some live at home without any adults present and with just a neighbour looking in from time to time. Our aim is to provide schooling and the basic necessities of life.
Contact: Charmaine