PCC Extracts
The more things change, the more they stay the same..
These extracts from the Nutfield Parish News of fifty years ago remind us that our concerns today echo those of long ago, and that human nature remains much as it ever was!
July 1965 "PCC Decisions: At their meeting on June 22nd, it was decided, (a) to increase the payment to Mr Francis the organist to £100; (b) to accept the estimate of Henry Willis & Sons, organ builders, for the overhaul and repair of the organ at a cost of £560; (c) to defer decision on the proposed improvements to the Chancel until everyone has had a chance to consider the proposals and make their comments. The P.C.C., as might have been expected were divided into three opinions. Those who wished for things to remain as they are; those who agreed with Mr Ford’s proposals, and those who wanted some-thing else!"
Sept 1965 "The proposed alterations to Church and Chancel: In brief the idea is to remove the choir stalls to make a clear space in front of the organ console. The screen will then be moved further back into the chancel and an altar will be placed in front of the screen, immediately behind Mr Francis, with altar rails under the chancel arch. This will bring the altar nearer the people where it can be more easily seen.
"The space between the screen and the East Wall will then become a small chapel, with the present altar and reredos lowered so that the full depth of the Burnes (sic) Jones Window can be visible.
"We have not yet decided the best place for the choir stalls, whether on the side in the North Aisle or perhaps in front, occupying the first … [illegible] pews on either side, or ??.
"It is suggested that the seats under the War memorial, (small pews for the school children) should be removed and also the Font, which would be placed at the East end of the South aisle. This would give a very desirable space at the rear of the Church, now alas terribly over-cluttered."
Oct 1965 "The Archdeacon and the Diocesan Advisory Com-mittee have both approved of the proposed improvements to the Chancel. The P.C.C., however, still can’t make up its mind!"